Kate Fremlin

Knowing Nature Speakers Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Kate Fremlin

Tentative Title: The Food Web of the Cooper’s Hawk: An indicator of urban environmental contamination across Metro Vancouver

Synopsis: Graduate research examining chemical pollutants in Cooper’s hawks, their prey species, and other environmental media, such as soil and air.

Biography – Kate Fremlin:

Kate Fremlin is a professional wildlife biologist and the owner of Amaroq Wildlife Services. She has over 14 years of experience working as a wildlife biologist and environmental consultant for government and industry. Kate has been involved in the study design and implementation of monitoring studies and surveys for many wildlife species in forested and tundra environments such as passerines, shorebirds, waterbirds, raptors, amphibians, grizzly bears, wolverines, arctic foxes, and ungulates. She completed a Master’s of Science degree at Simon Fraser Universiy in 2018 specializing in ecotoxicology and bioaccumulation of legacy persistent organic pollutants within avian wildlife, and she is currently working toward a Doctorate in ecotoxicology and plans to finish by fall 2023.

Perry Edwards kindly provided the photograph for me.