A birding guide developed and published by the members of Nature Chilliwack with funding from BC Nature, BC Naturalists’ Foundation and the Valerie Whetter Endowment Fund. The guide, printed on glossy paper, includes photos and descriptions of 54 of the most commonly seen birds of the area. A limited supply of the glossy Nature Chilliwack Birding Guide Brochures are available to members of Nature Chilliwack and through partner organizations such as the Great Blue Heron Nature Reserve and Wild Birds Unlimited in Chilliwack.
In addition, Nature Chilliwack developed a downloadable educational edition, suitable for printing on letter size (81/2″ x 11″) paper. As well as bird photos and descriptions, the downloadable edition includes bird identification tips, birding resources and code of birding ethics. Chilliwack Area Birding Guide – Educational Edition (downloadable PDF document, 27.1 MB).
The club’s Informational Brochure is available at member meetings, the Great Blue Heron Nature Reserve and other locations.
Nature Chilliwack also publishes the Heron Herald newsletter and a Club Calendar of upcoming events four times a year- Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter. These outline upcoming events and activities. Club members receive electronic copies via email, or you can download copies below.
Favourite Books
Nature Chilliwack’s Executive Committee put together lists of favourite nature books. Click HERE to see their lists.
Photo Gallery
See our most recent club calendar