Chris Currie
Chris Currie (B.Sc, Dipl. Tech), has conducted habitat assessments and mapping for various SAR projects including: vertebrates such as Western Painted Turtles, Burrowing Owls, Northern Goshawks, Western Toads, Coastal Giant Salamanders, and plant species such as Vancouver Island Beggarticks. He has a background in mapping critical habitat and producing site management plans for at risk populations of both wildlife and plants. He has conducted rare plant surveys and developed methods for propagating and reintroducing a rare plant species (Vancouver Island beggarticks) as well as conducted a variety of restoration projects including shoreline and wetland restoration. He has delivered educational displays at several stewardship events, and coordinated stewardship activities with landowners, government and NGO’s. Chris graduated from the Ecological Restoration program at BCIT in spring 2015. He has been a field biologist in multiple projects that have focused on SAR (including Western Painted Turtle, Western Toad, Red-legged Frog) and a prevention stream project focusing on non-listed amphibians and bat species.
Chris is the Restoration Specialist and lead field biologist for CPCSs Watershed-based SAR and Coastal Douglas-fir Ecosystem Conservation Projects.