Nature Chilliwack gratefully acknowledge the opportunity to learn, share and meet in the unceded ancestral territory of the Stó:lō Coast Salish, Nlaka’pamux, and Syilx First Nations
Our club was formed in 1971 as the Chilliwack Field Naturalists and in September 2019 we rebranded with the new name, Nature Chilliwack. We are an affiliated club of the province-wide BC Nature, formerly the Federation of BC Naturalists.
Presidents, Editors and more over 50 years
We always welcome new members! Nature Chilliwack provides opportunities for everyone to become more acquainted with our natural world. Our Knowing Nature evening speaker series provides a full complement of interesting illustrated talks on geology, flora, fauna, wildlife habitats and ecosystems. Member-led field trips are held at least once a month. Visitors are encouraged to check us out by joining us on these trips.
We steward an 8.2 hectare property in partnership with The Nature Trust and have work parties at the property on Camp River Road on the first Saturday of the month or the second Saturday if a holiday weekend includes the 1st Saturday. In 2023, we began a series of bioblitzes to inventory he flora and fauna of the area. Nature Chilliwack also contributes to citizen science projects with our members being active in national bird counts, butterfly monitoring, Ice Watch, water quality testing in local watersheds and many other programs that contribute to the well-being and understanding of nature.
Nature Chilliwack is committed to educating and encouraging the younger generation to know nature and make it worth knowing now and in the years to come. The club supports the Eastern Fraser Valley NatureKids Club. Our members lead at EFVNC Explorer Days and serve as student mentors.

Photos on this site are courtesy of our members and may not be reproduced without permission. Please contact us for details.